🤜 Bro Cards 🤛

We wanted to show bros more love and jokes.

That's why we started Bro Cards.

Follow along as we build it from scratch.

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Bro Cards © 2024
The Brocards founders looking happy and swell.

i got you a card, bro.

tired of hallmark? welcome to brocards. for and from dudes.

Two guys hugging while holding Bro Cards.

the card aisle that doesn't suck.

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friends and partners love brocards ^^

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Two happy guys playing Connect Four.
"i whooped your a$$. oh and thanks for the beer." - Matt M.
Clare fancy
A guy getting fed baby food from his pregnant wife.
"Thanks for the card on my big day." - Danny W.
Issy Hall
A kind looking man sitting on a canal wearing earrings.
"My friends loved getting the Bro Cards. They told me so" 
- Robbie H.
Holly Castle
Friends hanging out on a roof at sunset.
“These cards got my friends and some beers together on a roof. LFG”
- Lewis C.
Christa G.
Three guys looking snazzy on a colorful wedding dancefloor.
"Brr brr brrrrrr"
- Ray G.
Issy Hall
Friend pouring beer with lots of foam - he needs practice.
“I need help with my beer pours. Please send help"
- Shane W.
Christa G.
A guy on a dancefloor with green alien sunglasses and a strobe light.
"I see aliens"
- Sean A.
A couple grilling Korean BBQ. Yum.
"We should go to KBBQ more often, send me a Bro Card!"
- Cindy Y.
Christa G.
Two friends with sunglasses on laughing and looking goofy.
"Wouldn't have done Boys Night any other way."
- Dmitry J.
Holly Castle
A man in a suit looking sad in a bathroom by himself. Quite sad.
“That was a really bad day. Thanks for getting me out of my funk”
- Kenny C.
Holly Castle
A happy guy with a balloon that says he's special.
“Yea, I guess I felt pretty special after getting a BroCard.” - Lance J.
Issy Hall
A mixed group of friends singing karaoke in a vibey room.
"I had fun sending cards for karaoke night - it was a great success"
- Joe W.
Christa G.